Marine Remote Imagery Platform (MARIP)

The Marine Remote Imagery Platform (MARIP) provides scientists the opportunity to conduct ecological research on benthic biota across the continental shelf of South Africa, from the shallow subtidal to depths of 250 m.

Marine Remote Imagery Platform (MARIP)

 The platform enables data collection on both demersal and benthic fish populations as well as sessile and mobile invertebrate species.

Socio-economic implications

The Blue Economy requires robust verifiable data of the subtidal environment to ensure sustainable development of the marine fisheries, oil and gas, and transport and mining sectors.


Over 100 students and researchers from 39 national and international organisations

  1. Extension of depth range capabilities
  2. Artificial intelligence applications in footage analysis
  • Largest and most comprehensive underwater visual platform in Africa
  • Remotely operated vehicles
  • Baited remote underwater stereo-video systems
  • Diver-operated camera systems
  • Drop cameras
  • Lander
  • Visual access to previously unseen ecosystems
  • Data management for Western Indian Ocean footage
  • Innovation and development of new applications and equipment
Transformation & Capacity Development
  • Extensive postgraduate student use of resources
  • Developing a transformed cohort of next-generation marine technicians
  • Annual Summer School initiative

The Team