Animal Ethics Policy & TOR

Ethical clearance of research is a fundamental requirement for institutions dealing directly with the collection or the use of animals for scientific research. Animal research undertaken at NRF-SAIAB is diverse, and includes research on invertebrates, fishes, amphibians and, occasionally, reptiles.

Reference collections
Biodiversity census
Ecological research
Experimental research
Ethical Conduct
NRF-SAIAB is committed to ethical conduct with regard to the treatment of animals and the environment, and conforms to The South African National Standard for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purpose (SANS10386:2021), stakeholder norms, and to international publishing requirements.
Clearance Requirements
Owing to the diversity of research techniques, study species and aquatic environments in which scientists at NRF-SAIAB work, all research undertaken by researchers at SAIAB that involves live animals requires clearance by the SAIAB Animal Ethics Committee (AEC).
SAIAB Animal Ethics Policy (August 2021)
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the care and use of animals for scientific purposes aligns with NRF-SAIAB’s high ethical values and ethical standards, as outlined above; and to distinguish NRF-SAIAB as a leader in the field of the ethical care and use of aquatic animals for scientific purposes.
Ethical Considerations

To unravel some of the complexities of these ethical considerations, especially with regard to field work in aquatic environments, in 2015 postdoctoral fellows at SAIAB led by Dr Rhett Bennett, teamed up with Principal Scientist, Professor Olaf Weyl, to author a paper entitled Ethical considerations for field research on fishes, especially with regard to field work on fishes in aquatic environments, published in the journal Koedoe in December 2016.