BIDS RECEIVED: Supply and delivery 50ppm Diesel

Bid Number: NRF/SAIAB/13/2024-25

Closing date: Tuesday, 05 April 2024

Closing time: 11:00

Description: Appointment of a panel of service providers to supply and deliver 50ppm (or lower) diesel in various ports in South Africa, to fuel two 15m coastal research vessels for a period of five (5) years.

Tender Opening Data

BID Received (on time):

  • Ace Energy
    Anchor Petroleum
    Elroi Trading
    Kwangakuhle Enterprise
    Masakhe Isizwe Contractors
    Lmak Africa
    Manenzhe Guards
    Maslib Trading and Projects
    Mulemba Gas
    Lilian Origon Trading
    NPSC Trading and Projects
    New Light Holdings
    OTM Trading Enterprise
    AMI Petroleum
    Sibanisomhlaba Proprietary
  • Late Bids:
  • Dream Afrika Dream T/E
  • FFS Refiners
  • Maltec Business Connection

Contact Person:

Name: Angela Buthelezi

Email Address:

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