On 31 July 2024, the NRF-SAIAB leadership convened its annual Advisory Panel Committee meeting. The meeting brought together a diverse group of experts to provide strategic guidance and advice to the institution as it navigates the challenges and opportunities within Africa’s aquatic environment.
Africa’s aquatic ecosystems are central to the continent’s economic, social, and environmental well-being. These systems align with global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), South Africa’s National Development Plan (NDP), and various strategic frameworks such as the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) White Paper, and the DSI Decadal Plan. Recognising the importance of these goals, the SAIAB Advisory Panel plays a crucial role in guiding the institute to fulfil its vision, mission, and contribution within the biodiversity sector, the National System of Innovation (NSI), and the international community.
NRF-SAIAB Chief Scientist and Acting Managing Director, Professor Albert Chakona, stated: “The Advisory Board’s input has been crucial in refining our strategic direction, ensuring we stay relevant and aligned with our long-term goals. The board offered thought-provoking insights that resonate with our vision and mandate. It was especially gratifying to receive their recognition of the significant societal impact of our research, platform support – particularly for HDIs – and science engagement efforts. This encouragement has reinvigorated our team’s commitment to excellence and exploring new avenues to enhance our impact.”

The SAIAB Advisory Panel comprises up to 12 distinguished members from diverse sectors, including senior academics, professionals from various disciplines, and government representatives. Each member brings unique expertise and insights, offering independent feedback, recommendations, and strategic advice to the Managing Director (MD) of SAIAB. Their role is advisory, without any fiduciary or operational responsibilities, but their influence is pivotal in shaping the institute’s research, training, service, and science engagement strategies.
The panel’s function extends to supporting the MD in establishing strategic partnerships with higher education institutions, the aquatic science community, and broader scientific networks. Through their collective knowledge and networks, the panel members help position SAIAB on the local, regional, and international stage, ensuring that the institute’s strategic and operational frameworks are aligned with the broader objectives of the National Research Foundation (NRF).
With the insights and strategic direction provided by the Advisory Panel, SAIAB continues to be a leading force in aquatic biodiversity research, contributing to the sustainable development of Africa’s vital aquatic environments.